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Allow Multiple Scrintal Windows (or Tabs within Same Window)#86


It´s so standard in all knowledge / information-related apps by now, so I feel this (almost) doesn´t need explanation.
Scrintal should have a way to access multiple boards in parallel. Whether it´s via split-screen, tabs, or the recently en-vogue stack of windows.

Also: thinking of the centrality of flow for Scrintal philosphy, let´s remind ourselves that one of the most generic points of friction is the need to change / swap thinking spaces (boards), because we need several of them present in certain – I would say: most – processes and projects.

Possible implementations:
it could be tabs (nah!), split screen (see iOS!), stacked boards (all the hype) or allowing to open multiple windows side by side (freestyle, and maybe the most ‘Scrintal-way’)

The real power of ideation and creation comes when two spaces exist and interact side by side (Think of our desk in parallel to your screen; or your desk / screen in parallel to your bookshelf or notebook etc.). Also parallel spaces are common (and useful / needed) in situations of information abundance (think of open browser tabs we all have). Also, a lot of processes depend on parallel access to multiple modes of information (think of writing and having notes / sources etc. co-present)

2 years ago
Changed the title from "Allow multiple views side by side (tabs, split screen & co)" to "Allow Multiple Scrintal Windows (or Tabs within Same Window)"
2 years ago

Macs already support up to two external 6K monitors, plus one external 4k monitor, plus the built-in screen on the Mac itself. So a useful maximal current implementation of the infinite-whiteboard UI metaphor would allow three boards with cards opened (on three screens), plus one board showing links among cards (on the fourth screen).

2 years ago

I really believe that this ability to have multiple views of your information is critical to this product’s long-term success. It is very difficult to understand information and its context when you open a card to read it and it overlays the flow of what you’ve defined behind it. Whether your using a more traditional flowchart or process diagram or something in a table that is more akin to a Kaban board having the ability to create a split view where I can select on a card in its flow or structure view and have the information displayed on the right-side in a split view is really needed. Most information has been edited before I place it in a card where I have the need to see more of the information in context to whatever structure or flow I’ve established for it. Best Regards…

a year ago

As above. Need to see info from different boards/spaces at once.

6 months ago